1.5 hours | monthly

WELCOME, GATHER, TALLY NUMBERS for Facilitator’s Report [5 Min]

CENTER [10 Min]

Begin in silence together, slowing down and centering around Christ with the Welcoming Prayer below. Have one person read it aloud, sit in five minutes of listening, and maybe repeat once or twice:

I welcome everything that comes to me in this moment because I trust it can be part of my healing.

I welcome all thoughts, feelings, emotions, persons, situations, and conditions.

I let go of my desire for approval.

I let go of my desire for control.

I let go of my desire for false security.

I let go of my desire to change any situation, condition, person for myself.

I open to the love and presence of God and the healing action and grace within.

(Modified from original by Contemplative Outreach)

REFLECT [20 Min]

Bring letters, have someone share at least one passage of your releasing friend’s words—as it connects to one of the questions below. This helps their voice be present in the group.

Invite team members to share what is coming to them from this time of listening, asking:

What are we learning through this relationship...

about God’s heart? (This is the heart of it all. It comes from prayer, shared reflection.)

about ourselves? (This is harder. Try. What’s coming up?)

about our releasing friend? (This is the time to now share what we’re learning from this

last month’s letters, visits, calls. And to consider what to write in your next letters.)

about the “stones” [structures] and “layers” [personal defenses] between us?

LEARN [30 Min]

Discuss this months’ learning module, using the questions at the bottom.

Keep it focused, always: How does this connect with us and our releasing friend? How does this challenge our assumptions and hearts? It’s not a book club to explore far-reaching, abstract debates. It’s stimulus to grow deeper in relationship with your incarcerated friend.


This is time to share links, resources, addresses, and to brainstorm resources.

● visitor applications, making visits to the prison

● housing and job connections

● advocacy needs: calling family members, prison counselors

● organizing as a church for the Welcome Home Fund and Needs list

● How can we engage others in the congregation and community this month? Share about your releasing friend, and what you’re learning, during weekly service?

PRAY [5 Min]

Pray for each other, for your releasing friend, and for whatever surfaces in the meeting.